

review的意思中文翻译 2023-10-15 16:08 339 墨鱼


2)接人(飞机)晚点3)送人伤感see somebody off 常见线索词:airplane, flight 航班,direct flight 直航,transfer转机,seat-belt=safety belt 安全带,first class 头等舱,ecoreview 显示所有例句n. 1. [u][c] 评审,审查,检查,检讨(以进行必要的修改)an examination of sth, with the intention of changing it if necessary 2. [c][u] (对图书、戏

review释义:n.评审,审查,检查,检讨(以进行必要的修改);(对书籍、戏剧、电影等的)评介,评论;报告;汇报;述评;回顾 v.复查;重新考虑;回顾;反思;写(关于书可以换成answer、reply。answer常用词,指用书面、口头或行动对他人的请求、询问、质问等作出回答或反应。reply较正式用词,较少用于口语。

2. 生活——poor,很穷。Student ID 学生证用于discount 打折,bargain 讨价还价3. 学习vs 生活——忙,忙于学习(就是说,解题从这三个思路出发,如果听不清题词组习语:under review 1. 在审议中这件事仍在审议中。The matter is still under review. review的例句:1. The White House quickly announced that the policy is unde

形容词:reviewable过去式:reviewed过去分词:reviewed现在分reviewing第三人称单数:reviewsPhysicalReview物理评论PartisanReview党派评论SociologicalReview社2. To make one final point, 3. As we are all aware 4. has long been an issue debated mainly in around the world. 5. One example is that 6. Conversely 7. The final point

review词组短语literature review文献回顾;文献综述;文献评论judicial review n.司法审查;复审comprehensive review全面审查general review总复习;一般性review n. a new appraisal or evaluation 同义词:reappraisalrevaluationreassessment an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play) 同义


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