
make a face造句,make小学生简单句子

be equal to造句 2023-12-12 12:05 560 墨鱼
be equal to造句

make a face造句,make小学生简单句子

22、I never forget aface. 23、Thefacewas unspeakably sad. 24、Hisfacewas ghastly white. 25、Tilt: Back fromface; tilting it overfacewill make thefacmake a face的用法和样例:例句The teacher told him not to make faces in class. 老师告诉他不要在上课时做鬼脸。Then he made faces and jumped like a

动词make a face: contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state 同义词:grimace, pull a face 例句:The schoolboymade a faceat his teacher's backmake a face 做鬼脸、扮苦相-> The boy made the baby laugh by making a face at him.那男孩扮鬼脸逗那个婴儿笑。make friends 交朋友、成为朋友-> Can we

积极面对;面临【用法】make a face 做鬼脸lose face 没面子in face of 面对face up to 大胆面对【拓展】facial adj. 面部的fact n. 事实【用法】in fact 事实make a pitiful face装出一副可怜相make a wry face做鬼脸make a long face拉下脸,扳起脸,愁眉苦脸make a facev.做鬼脸make a volte face来个一百八十度的大转变make fa

╯▽╰ 帮我用这几个英语词组造句1.make a face2.make one's way to3.make up one's mind4.make friends5.make a decision6.make the bed7.make money8.make sure9.mamake a call造句1、Now they justmake a call. 2、I want tomake a callto the Paris Hotel. Can I make a direct call? 3、Can you wait a second while Imak

2、Every time I mentioned taking a swim in the lake he would make a face.每当我提起下湖去游泳,他总露出不赞成的表情。3、Tony made a face at his mother amake a face 美英un.正视;做鬼脸英汉英英un. 1. 正视2. 做鬼脸释义:全部,正视,做鬼脸


标签: make小学生简单句子



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