
有关flood的涌出,flood in

flooded 2023-02-14 07:13 309 墨鱼

有关flood的涌出,flood in

33. flood* vt.淹没,使泛滥,涌入n.①洪水,水灾②大量,大批巧记联想:鲜血(blood)大量(flood)涌出提示注意除“洪水”外的其他释义:receive a flood of applications收到大量涌出pour out 涌出well up 涌出泪水welled up with tears ; Tears poured out 涌出规律emission rule 油气涌出oil-gas emission 涌出特性emission features

1. flood n.洪水,水灾ot.& vi.淹没;洪水般地)涌进;涌出(教材P28)①in flood在泛滥②a flood of大量的③floodwith使……充满(常用被动语态)④flood in/into大量涌入(vi. 涌出;涌进;为水淹没n. 洪水;泛滥;一大批常用短语:in flood 在泛滥flood in 涌入,大量地涌到a flood of 一大批…at the flood正当高潮,涨潮;在最有

洪水(flood),常发于江淮梅雨时节,一个在近期的各大新闻里屡屡出现的词。作为自然灾害中的常驻成员,它的身影通常和“局部地区特大暴雨”,“连续强降雨”这些名词一起出现,在当今社会1. 与移动有关:a. flood/stream/spill指人或物大量涌入或涌出,蜂拥而至:Refugees are still flooding across the border. 仍有大批的难民涌过边界。Telepho

(#`′)凸 vi. 涌出;涌进;为水淹没n. 洪水;泛滥;一大批常用短语:in flood 在泛滥flood in 涌入,大量地涌到a flood of 一大批…at the flood正当高潮,涨潮;在最有利时机flood with使充涌出rush out 涌出pour out 涌出well up 涌出泪水welled up with tears ; Tears poured out 涌出规律emission rule 油气涌出oil-gas emission 涌出特性emi

一:flood flood是涌出,泛滥,比flow更汹涌pour: 到水(pouring water) flow: 流动(water flows) float 指东西漂在河里是漂在湖里也是漂主要形容浮着的东Tears poured out 涌出规律emission rule 油气涌出oil-gas emission 涌出特性emission features 关于涌出的相关单词disembogue; gush; effuse; flood 关于涌出的词语辨析


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