
What kind,whatkind翻译中文

Whatkindofyouare 2023-06-05 12:52 668 墨鱼

What kind,whatkind翻译中文

what kind 什么种类(表示询问)相关短语reference level (一种表示电量相对大小的参数) 标准电平layered map (表示不同高程的) 分层着色地形图Maxwell model (表示材料流变what kind of的用法what kind of意思是“哪种……哪一种……什么样的……”,后面可以接单数名词(可数或不可数),也可以接复数名词。what kind of的用法1.We each have a notion

what kind 英美什么种类(表示询问) what kind的用法和样例:例句What kind of time deposit accounts do you have? 你们有什么种类的定期存款账户?What sort fruit does ywhat kind 解释什么种类(表示询问) 例句与用法1. Can you advice me what kind of shoes fit me best? 你能不能指点我,哪种鞋穿最合适?2. What kind of/sort of tree i

of movies是所有格,可以不管。what kind这个指的是哪一类,一般是一类而what kinds 一般就不是一类,你亦可瀏覽whatsmall ,或回上一頁。Sorry, your requested page cannot be displayed, please try again later. You may also visit the home page at whatsma

≥﹏≤ what kind of的用法what kind of意思是“哪种……哪一种……什么样的……”,后面可以接单数名词(可数或不可数),也可以接复数名词。what kind of的用法1.We each have a what kind的句子1、What kind of double talk was this ? 这是一种什么样的模棱两可的话呢?2、What kind of citation you are going to get ? 你会得到哪一种表扬呢?3、I


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