10-19 131
content造句 |
课程表4.schedule的造句示例:We're working to a tight schedule. 我们的工作安排得很紧。I needed to accommodatschedule造句1. I'm scheduled to work overtime this weekend,so I need to adjust my daily routine accordingly. 2. We have scheduled a meeting for next Tuesday to d
schedule英语造句,1、The examination schedule is posted up.考试日程贴在墙上。2、Bidders shall submit a Cancellation Schedule with1. ahead of schedule : 提前;2. behind schedule : 落后于预定计划;3. according to schedule : 按照预定计划;4. to schedule : 按照预定计划;5. on schedule : 按预定
n.时刻表,进度表;清单,明细表;预定计划;目录vt.排定,安排;将…列表;为…作目录造句如下:He has been forced to adjust his schedule他被迫调整了自己的日I have a hecticschedulefor the next few days. 我今后几天的日程紧得要命。牛津词典We're working to a tightschedule(= we have a lot of things to do in a short time
It's difficult to find ma schedule in a sentence. 用ma schedule造句挺难的相关词汇"ma san"造句"ma san tsuen"造句"ma sanbao"造句"ma sanli"造句"ma sanyi"造句"mThe task has been accomplished according to schedule. 任务已如期完成。Everything is going according to schedule. 一切都在按预定计划进行。5、production schedule 生产计划
单词schedule 例句大全,用单词schedule造句:Thisscheduleshould approximate the backupschedule. 此计划应为大致的备份计划。The abrupt change ofschedulegave me lots oschedule造句1、schedulecalendar 2、price -schedule 3、amortizationschedule 4、short-termscheduleand medium-termschedule 5、A fullscheduleis a goods
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标签: cooking造句
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10-19 131
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蛋糕店一直用的汉堡配方 分享 高筋面粉250克糖50克,鲜酵母7.5克,牛奶125克,奶粉10克,鸡蛋1个,盐2.5克黄油25克 除黄油以外的材料加入搅拌机,先慢速搅拌成团,改中高速打至有粗膜状态,...
10-19 131
如何写文章提纲 简介 一个好的文章提纲可以帮助你更好地组织文章结构,使文章更具逻辑性和连贯性。以下是一些编写文章提纲的建议 方法/步骤 1 明确文章主题:...
10-19 131