
update on,keep updated on

ideals 2023-10-16 15:05 659 墨鱼

update on,keep updated on

╯0╰ Update什么意思I called the office toupdatethem on the day's developments. 我给办公室打电话告诉他们当天最新的发展。牛津词典Our records are regularlyupdated. 我们的记录定期更新

submit a detailedupdate on progressmadein strengthening the Department as part of the first performance report. daccess-ods.un daccess-ods.un 咨询委员会建20、FRITZ Henderson was due to deliver a speech at the Los Angeles Motor Show on Wednesday December 2nd, to give anupdate onGeneral Motors' progress

do an update on sth an update of sth(movie) 翻拍;新版stray fromthe path of righteousness 偏离;走失stray too far fromthe original plan/topic a stray dog/cat流浪狗/猫可以在ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE后面使用VALUES(字段名)函数来表示即将插入的值,如果需要插入或更新多条数据,并且更新的字段需要根据其它字段来运算时,可以使用

SBL's Home Page Chinese 中文Update on03/08/2002更新Added:My Painting 加入:我的画members.tripod|基于1 个网页1. Ashort-handsynopsisof OupdateOn表单级别的选项我们还可以updateOn使用指令的ngFormOptions输入在表单级别设置选项NgForm。例如: 有了这个,blur'将用作updateOn此表单的所有子控件的选项的值,


标签: keep updated on



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