

your英语短句造句 2023-10-15 12:06 133 墨鱼


She was afraid of waking her husband. 她怕吵醒她丈夫He was afraid to fly in a plane. 他不敢坐飞机He was afraid to go into the house and meet his fatSHE造句,最新SHE造句,【SHE解释】暂无。相似词:ed hold住EXO ps SB sm TFBOYS happy1 紫藤花,是的,是紫藤花,是SHE歌喉下忧伤的紫藤花;是宗璞笔下辉煌的紫藤花。

she造句1、Sheput on her silken gown before going to bed. 睡觉前,她穿上丝质的睡衣。2、Shehad no money coming in and no funds. 她既无固定收入也无存款。3、When Ma常常造句子短一点1、常常造句子怎么写(1)、歌,是一种时尚,引领着现代的潮流。蔡依林,周杰伦,she等歌手几乎是无人不知,无人不晓。人们在用电脑时,在工作时常

She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my Maybe she'll come this afternoon. 她可能今天下午来。Maybe you put the letter in your pockets. 大概你把信放在衣袋里了。maybe和may be可相互转换。He may be in the offic

she造句三年级1. She is a kind and caring teacher who always puts her students first. 2. She loves to read books and often shares her favorite stories with her fr爆笑简短笑话大全1 爸爸:“儿子,你将来要娶谁做自己的媳妇儿啊?”儿子天真地说:“奶奶最疼爱我了,所以我要娶奶奶做媳妇儿。爸爸被天真逗乐了:“瞎说!我妈妈怎么可以做你的媳妇儿?

5. She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears. 她发誓要戴那些看起来像梨子的珍珠。6. I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl's test paperPeter Tomasz(作者) : Luckily, I've been her teaching her since she is 3 so I know what she can and cannot understand. Hence the “一口气”Darius (Toronto 🎸 Studio) :


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