

用on造句子 2022-12-07 17:21 588 墨鱼


under造句1、under synchronous 2、be under-done | under-cooked 3、under age; under the age limit 4、Under water, famine; under snow, bread. 5、You'r1. under age : 未到法定年龄;under 相关例句副词1. The ship went under. 船下沉了。介词1. 1. There is a new music hall near here under construction. 附近正在建

2.Is the book under the paper?3.In the big drawer under his desk.4.Inflation seems to be under control.5.The darkest place is under the candlestick.释义英文例句大全为您提供under英文例句大全,词语under造句,关于under的句子,under怎么造句,under英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于under,under的句子,under如何造句,描写的unde

+▂+ under英语造句,1、So, under the light, the sculptured white volume reveals its cut.因此,在光线下,白色的雕塑体量显示出它的切口。2、In 1939under 造句/ 例句1. We often sleptunderthe stars. 我们经常在夜空下露宿。《牛津词典》2. The boat was goingunderfast. 小船正迅速下沉。《牛津词典》3. Can you wo

under造句复制1、He felt himself goingunder.(他觉得自己将要昏厥。2、If it's notunder'sports', try lookingunder'games'.(如果在“体育运动”项下查不14. I fell under the influence of a history master. 我当时深受一位历史老师的影响。15. The radio said other parts of the capital also came under shellfire. 广播


标签: 用on造句三年级



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