

with heart和by heart 2023-11-21 09:48 804 墨鱼
with heart和by heart


3. Did she usurp his place in his mother's heart? 她取代了他在他母亲心目中的地位吗?4. Place the omelette under a gentle grill until the top is setreduce短语搭配1、reduce waste 释义:减少浪费;减少浪费来源考试大;减少废弃物。2、reduce expenditure 释义:开源与节流并重;开源与节流偏重;在财政上节省支出;节流节支。3、red

3、形容词和副词的一般级、比较级和最高级;4、分词结构和不定式;5、定语从句;6、宾语从句;7、虚拟语气;8、倒装结构。五)习惯用法与固定搭配Students can learn the right a第一篇:run的搭配用法总结▲run about Put your coat on, or you'll catch cold running about.快把外套穿上,不然你到处乱跑会感冒的。run across1(v.+adv.)

n.(名词):皮尔斯(音译名);透过,刺,插入。搭配:Brock Pierce皮尔斯;Pierce Damage穿刺伤害。例句1、Her heart was pierced with grief. 她内心悲伤极了。2、A nail pierced the ti用法:stimulate是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构,也常接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。例句:1、Light stimulates plant growth. 光会刺

●▽● 『essential的常见搭配和用法』-01- 〖与动词搭配〗① 与动词appear搭配,表示“显得好像是必要的”;② 与become搭配,表示“变得必要起来”;③ 与make sth.搭配,表示“使……必abstain v.放弃。这个词是由前缀ab(表示相反)和tain(表示拿住,持有)而来,与持有相反,也就是放弃。常用搭配用法是abstain from sth,也就是放弃某事。Some people abstained from vo

Thank you from the bottom(底部) of my heart! He has a good heart.他是菩萨心肠固定搭配:①lose heart 失去信心②take heart 鼓起勇气(此处heart表示“5. 注意下面几个有用搭配:(1) have the heart to do sth 有勇气做某事,忍心做某事I did not have the heart to say that. 我没有勇气提那件事。I don’t have the heart t


标签: breathe的用法



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