10-16 302
soundlike造句简单 |
1、amajorartist; amajorrole;majorhighways. 2、majorscales; the key of Dmajor. 3、Major depressive disorder, also calledmajordepression. 4、sulcus pamajor造句举例如下:1、We have encountered major problems。我们遇上了大问题。2、She's a French major。她是法
London is the major international insurance centre. 伦敦是主要的国际保险中心。You can identify the major wine-producing regions.你能找到主要的葡萄酒产区major英语造句,1、Intelligent multi-channel nuclear spectrometer is a major part of the multichannel analyzer.智能多道谱仪
(=`′=) and the economy was on a V-shaped recovery.It not only made China the only major economy worldwide with positive growth in 2020, but also injected impetus into the globmajor造句答案major ADJ 较大的主修的重要的N 成年人主修课目VI 主修较大的;较多的The house needs major repairs.这幢房子需要大修.主要的,重要的;一流的[B]He is a m
1. The seven major industrial countries will have their yearly meeting in London. 7个主要工业国家将在伦敦举行一年一度的会议。2. He said the issue was not a majormajor造句1、We have encountered major problems.(我们遇上了大问题。2、She's a French major.(她是法语专业的学生。3、There are three major types of skin cancer
?0? 第二步,录下自己的回答,听自己有没有停顿,自己的流利度如何,保证自身的流利度。🌟major常用的用法有:✨作形容词,表示主要的、主修的、重要的,比如主要矛盾、主要原因(大家写作文的时候可以用起来!替换important等单词); ✨作名词,意为主修科目,当然还有含义为
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标签: rushhour造句
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10-16 302
面对强光拍摄,一定要减少1级曝光量,否则画面太亮,太阳升起处闪亮一大片,作品就失去了应有的明暗效果。 ▲焦距24mm,光圈 f/8,快门速度1/125s,ISO100 拍摄日出照片时,不但要将这种天空...
10-16 302
far away遥远的,在远处 far from远离... so far到目前为止 My uncle comes to visit us from a place far away.我叔叔从很远的地方来看我们。 My hometown is ...
10-16 302