12-21 339
用tomato造句 |
tape造句1、Have you ever used duct tape to tape a duct?你曾经用管状胶带粘过管道吗?2、A tape that has no labels.一种不含有标号的磁带。3、the part of a tape recorIt's difficult to seetypein a sentence. 用type造句挺難的We use boldfacetypefor vectors . 我們用黑體形式表示矢量。The headwords in this dictionary
revert to type 用作动词(v.) type as (v.+prep.) type in (v.+adv.) type out (v.+adv.) type up (v.+adv.) type 的词汇辨析kind,sort,type,class,class,category,species单词magnetic 例句大全,用单词magnetic造句:MagneticInduction Density of High FrequencyMagneticField for ElectromagneticContinuous Casting 电磁连铸用高频磁场内磁感
16、India is still tangled up in red tape.印度仍然纠结于各种繁琐程序之中。17、Take the lot of the happiest - it is a tangled yarn就拿最幸福的人来说吧--他们的命运type造句子1、type的解释2、What type of house would you prefer to live in?你喜爱住哪一类房子?3、The printers are short of types、印刷厂缺乏铅字。4、It is
42、Pamela Landy: I wanted to thank you for thetape. 43、How about my pencil case and my videotape? 44、I usedtapeto tie up the box. 45、Use yourApatrolcar dashboard camera caught the incident on tape. 一辆巡逻车的仪盘表摄像头拍到了这一过程。Frontier Guards Launch Most AdvancedPatrolVessel in Zhuhai 公安
type造句1、passing gradation. Its structuretypeis including accidentaltype,steadytype,mixedtype,organizedtype. 2、Type mismatch between proxytype{0type 造句/ 例句1. What bloodtypedo you have? 你是什么血型?《牛津词典》2. I love thesetypeof books. 我爱读这些种类的书籍。《牛津词典》3. I love thistypeof bo
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标签: addtodo造句
12-21 339
第四次就是这次在线状态展示,能看到用户在线了,就能在线即时聊天了,就是一个设计工具了,把前几次的结合起来,就是一个非常庞大的工具聚合了; 哈哈哈,抖音这一步棋可谓是深谋远虑啊,对...
12-21 339
注意:测试互联网连接时, PlayStation Network 登录将失败 。要访问 PlayStation Network,您需要使用账号详细信息登录。转到设置>PlayStation Network/账号管理>,或为 PSN 创...
12-21 339
昔日宗室之仪套装 1.二件套q增伤,适用公子,行秋,重云。公子重云留攻精双暴,行秋留攻双暴充。 2.四件套辅助加攻,适用钟离,云堇,班尼特,罗莎莉亚,申鹤。钟离生充,云堇暴防充,班尼特生...
12-21 339