10-15 467
beabletodosth造句简单 |
It can be caused by a variety of things, such as work, money, family issues, or health concerns. No matter what the cause, worry can lead to stress 用can造句子5个1. I can swim across the pool in less than a minute. 2. I can speak three languages fluently. 3. I can solve this math problem without a calculator
can 造句/ 例句1. Nobodycangainsay his claims. 没人能够反驳他的说法。《牛津词典》2. Exercising alonecanbe boring. 独自一个人锻炼可能会很无聊。《柯林斯英汉双解7、It can yield untold benefits, but only if people use it wisely. 它可以产生数不清的好处,但前提是人们要明智地使用它。8、We will rectify and standardize order in the
1、Can also get,cannot alsocan! 2、Can youcanacanas acannerycanscan? 3、Icanopen thecan. 4、If Ican, youcan. 5、Thiscanopenercanopen anycanthat anyccan造句复制1、Drugscankill.(毒品可以致死。2、canyou do (the) backstroke?(你会仰泳吗? 3、Nobodycangainsay his claims.(没人能够反驳他的说法。4、canI take a p
You can telephone your order 24 hours a day. 一天24 小时你都可以打电话订购。用can造句用can 造句1. Can you pass me the salt, please? 2. I can speak three langu英语造句1 1、I will bring that book with me. 我会带着那本书的。2、The library is big enough to hold more than 5000 books.那图书馆足够大可以容纳5000多册图书。3、As pr
“connect”如何造句?1、The car always connect to gas.汽车总是和汽油应有在一起。2、The printer can be connected to the computer to print.打印机和电脑连接才能打印。3、V1. Can you hold on a minute, please? 请你等一下好吗?2. You can't pick the ball up in football. 踢足球时不允许用手持球。3. If you won't keep quiet you c
后台-插件-广告管理-内容页尾部广告(手机) |
标签: connect的简短例句
婚内财产协议书 男方:__,身份证号:__ 女方:__,身份证号:__ 男女双方于__年X月X日登记结婚,现双方婚姻关系处于存续阶段,经双方协商一致,同意无论何种原因导致离婚的,离婚后子...
10-15 467
8.If?we?place?a?order?for?2,000?dozen?up?can?you?give?us?a?special?discount?? 如果我们下2,000打的订单,你能给我们一个特别的折扣吗? 9.If?our?order?is?...
10-15 467
形容居室风雅的诗句有什么 形容居室雅致的诗词 1、《受恩深》宋代:柳永 雅致装庭宇。黄花开淡泞。细香明艳尽天与。助秀色堪餐,向晓自有真珠露。刚被金钱妒。拟买断秋天,容易...
10-15 467
还有3支镜头是尼康Z卡口原厂的镜头,分别是Z24-120 f4,Z50 f1.8S,Z85 f1.8S。24-120用来当挂机头,平常出去扫扫街随便拍拍就带上它一个就行了,50和85用来拍人像,...
10-15 467