

register造句 2023-05-22 02:16 417 墨鱼


╯^╰〉 1. His new role could confirm him as one of our leading actors. 他的新角色会确保他跻身我们的一流演员之列。2. Further scans are required to confirm the diagnosis 二、常用搭配confirm sth / confirm sb (in sth)使感觉更强烈;使确信confirm in 使更坚定三、例句Rumours of job losses were laterconfirmed. 裁员的传言后来得到了证实。It

2.To confirm the diagnosis, the hospital laboratory must culture a colony of bacte-ria.(v) 为进一步确诊,医院实验室必须培养一个细菌菌落。希望能帮到你吧!求助用英文单词15、He was eventually able toconfirmthat it was.(他最终得以证实了这一点。16、It was really pretty exciting for scientists at that time to find thes

1. MML:- Sorry.Can't confirm at the moment. 嚟到尽量嚟,之前我会电联是但一位。2. Access prompts you to confirm the deletion. Access将提示您确认删除。3. Make sure单词confirm 例句大全,用单词confirm造句:I was able to very subtlyconfirm. 我非常确定Confirmto empty all announcements 确定清空所有公告Confirmyour reservation in

confirm造句1. Please confirm your attendance at the meeting tomorrow. 2. Can you confirm the delivery date for the goods? 3. I need you to confirm that the balanI am writing to confirm you that the goods you required are available now.I am writing to enquire whether the goods are available now.I am writing to in

confirm造句复制1、From this information, he was able toconfirmthe existence of a pattern.(从这些信息中,他能够确认一种模式的存在。2、With all the arrangements 29、Pleaseconfirmyou can make orange color Pantone 138 (same as below) in production to inform customer. 30、All calculationsconfirmthat a compound


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