
用in front of造句,用方位介词造句英语

beside造句简单带翻译 2023-10-15 15:46 470 墨鱼

用in front of造句,用方位介词造句英语

根据题意,用词组in front of 造句如下:1.We dried our clothes in front of the fire.我们在火前烘干了衣服。2.We all got out our own sewing and sat in frontThey 're well positioned to get their products in front of consumers without employing extra costs

用in front of造句子1.He was standing in front of me in the line.(在队列中他站在我的前面。2.A car suddenly pulled out in front of me.(一辆汽车突然由2、preen oneselfin front ofthe mirror 3、Stopin front ofthat building, please. 4、She stared stonilyin front ofher. 5、She pirouettedin front ofthe g

in front of造句复制1、He was standingin front ofme in the line.(在队列中他站在我的前面。2、A car suddenly pulled outin front ofme.(一辆汽车突然由路边冲到我前in front of 造句:1.He was sprawling in the sofa in front of the TV. 他伸开手脚坐在电视机前的沙发上。2.The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake

╯▽╰ in front of造句in front of造句1. The children were playing in front of the house, enjoying the warm sunshine. 2. The protesters gathered in front of the governme1、onthefront前线2、front释义:3、Thereisabigtreeinfrontofthehouse. 4、这个公司由三个董事领导。5、Wegotherebybus. 6、Theblackboardisinthefrontoft

用in front of造句六年级用in front of造句六年级上册用infrontof造句并翻译用infrontof造句简单六年级的用infrontof造句短句用in front of造句简单并翻译用in front of造in front of 在(范围外)的前面There is a tree in front of the classroom.in the front of 在(范围内)的前面There is a blackboard in the front of


标签: 用方位介词造句英语



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