1、百衣(依)百顺--电熨斗广告; 2、烧(稍)胜一筹--快餐店广告; 3、随心所浴(欲)--热水器广告; 4、闲(贤)妻良母--洗衣机广告; 5、饭店门口:“抄”饭; 6、修车店门口:补胎“冲”气; 7...
10-17 147
criminal造句 |
附属,subordinate 1)subordinate[英][s?'b?:dinit][美][s?'b?rdn?t]附属英文短句/例句1.in subordination to从属[附属]于…2.subsidiary rights附属专有权,附加权利3❶ 设计困难或者挑战总会让故事情节更加生动、有意义。When there is a complication, there is a
When a subordinate finishes a first assignment quickly, the unimaginative manager often is at a loss for a next assignment. 当一个下属很迅速的完成了领导安排的任务All the other issues are subordinate to this one. 所有问题都要以这个问题为主。查看更多用作名词(n.) He was always friendly to his subordinates
He was both willing and able to subordinate all else to this aim. 为了这个目标他愿意并能够把其他一切都放在次要的位置。来自柯林斯高阶英语词典11. Beijing plant pr单词subordinates 例句大全,用单词subordinates造句:He's a snob, deceiving his superiors and delude hissubordinates. 他是个势力小人,欺上瞒下。SubordinatesAccording
Now, we can see, the subordinate clause is“which/that has a long history”and it is used to describe “city”. It is called the attributive clause. Let’s look at th造句:We should not subordinate family to work. 5.dormant Proactive is part of human nature, and, although the proactive nature may bedormant,they are
make subordinate, dependent, or subservient rank or order as less important or consider of less value subject or submissive to authority or the control of anothersubordinate造句1、We should subordinate our personal interest to that of the collective.我们应该让个人利益服从集体利益。2、He contented himself with a subordinat
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标签: provocation造句
1、百衣(依)百顺--电熨斗广告; 2、烧(稍)胜一筹--快餐店广告; 3、随心所浴(欲)--热水器广告; 4、闲(贤)妻良母--洗衣机广告; 5、饭店门口:“抄”饭; 6、修车店门口:补胎“冲”气; 7...
10-17 147
结果一 题目 求问下。两个极坐标方程如何联立求交点 比如直线θ=α和曲线ρ=2sinθ 答案相关推荐 1求问下。两个极坐标方程如何联立求交点 比如直线θ=α和曲线ρ=2sinθ 反馈...
10-17 147
30. 我不禁想起陆游“王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。”我也不曾忘记范仲淹“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。”还有龚自珍那“我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人...
10-17 147
在谈判桌上,天秤座几乎没有敌手,真是当之无愧的谈判之王。 8、天蝎座--商业之王 天蝎座无可厚非的是12星座中最有头脑,观察力很强的星座。天蝎具有非一般的思维...
10-17 147
平潭岛很出片风景绝美,猴研岛随便拍拍都好看,长江澳风车田第一次见,很奇妙,日落很漂亮! #平潭 #平潭岛 #平潭旅游 #平潭猴研岛 #平潭长江澳 #长江澳风车田 # #情侣 #旅游 #海边 #海边...
10-17 147