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The United States may react with incoherent and unsatisfactory outrage. 他最近说话语无伦次,好像精神上受到了什么*** 一样。He spoke incoherently recentl21、There have been cries of outrage about thisexpenditure.(公众对这项开支发出了愤怒的呼声。22、The monthlyexpenditureof our family is four hundred dollars alto
14、The ferocity of the all-out assault on Hama has stirred particular outrage.对哈马全力以赴的凶残攻击激起了特别的愤怒。15、They are going all-out to beat the q20、Public outrage is the bestantidote, because it often leads to change.(公众的愤怒就是最好的良药,因为只有它能经常导致变革。21、She was a wonderfulantidoteto m
˙^˙ 17、No one has yet claimed responsibility for this latest bomb outrage.迄今还没有人宣称对最近的* 丑行负责。18、We of the leadership must accept responsibility fextensive delay造句The action causedextensive delaysand led to outrage among Metro passengers. The storm damaged causedextensive delayson Cobb County's busiest b
17、There is what sounds like a howl of outrage from the Decepticon, or it might just have been thescreechof the air being rent asunder. 18、For Jos15、Faced with what many decried as another example of Apple hubris, social networks lit up in a mix of bewilderment, outrage andparody. 16、It can
单词outrageous 例句大全,用单词outrageous造句:She didnt even blink at hisoutrageousproposal. 她对他蛮横的求婚一点儿也不感到惊讶。This isoutrageousbehaviour , quiNo one has yet claimed responsibility for this latest bomb outrage. 8.我们都对自己的行为、自己的反应完全负责。We are all entirely responsible for our actions,and
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标签: reckon造句
首先打开手机QQ音乐,进入QQ音乐主界面。 然后点击右下角我的。 接着点击右上角三条横线的菜单。 随后找到设置,点击进入。 然后点击锁屏歌词。 最后点击关闭QQ音乐锁屏开关即可...
10-25 449
剑道邪尊残剑 15.13万人读过 1万字 全本 小说角色:周衍 屏儿 小说简介:血精蕴剑意,日月养剑魂,天地凝剑魄,浩宇证剑尊!少年周衍,偶得形意拳奥义传承,衍化形意十...
10-25 449
魔石在哥拉尔城的魔法屋(146.117)可以出售。可以定居,看攻略(以下是复制的):开启哥拉尔登入点 --- 1.芙蕾雅伊尔村乘船到达哥拉尔城和民房 (89 , 64) 的 ...
10-25 449
2月11日,黄忠-烈魂、张飞-虎魄、赵云-龙胆3款史诗限定皮肤进行最后一次直售返场。 2月10日,周瑜-真爱至上、小乔-纯白花嫁2款情人节限定皮肤开启抽奖返场,这也是这2款皮肤第五次返场...
10-25 449
10-25 449