
at hand翻译,qualification翻译

deliberately翻译 2023-10-15 20:35 262 墨鱼

at hand翻译,qualification翻译

at hand 在手边,在附近;在手边,眼前(附近); 近旁;在手旁;at first hand 直接;第一手地,直接地;第一手地,直接地;得自直接的体验;at close hand 密切地;紧紧地;at hand 美英na.在近处;即将到来网络在手边;手边的工具同义词反义词adv. nearby,just around the corner,within reach,near,close by adj. imminent,approaching,impen

at hand 英[æt hænd]美[æt hænd] adv.在手边(在附近;即将到来) at hand的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:参考翻译近在手边,在附近;供使用;即将来到,即将发生;A rocket bomb must have dropped quite near at hand.───准是附近掉了个火箭弹. Victory is at hand.───胜利即将到来. Having the right equipment at hand will be e

1. at hand 即將到來的、在手邊的、在附近的(near in time or place) 中文意思太多不好記?看看英文解釋吧!時間上比較接近就是「即將快到了」的意思區域上比較接近的就是形容「附at hand的解释是:在手边,在附近,即将到来…同时,该页为英语学习者提供:at hand的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。

1、athand的意思:在手边,在附近,即将来临。2、at hand的读音:英[?t h?nd]美[?t h?nd] 3、例句]She wants her boys to come over and help out with whatever current projeat hand adj. close in space; within reach 同义词:close at hand(p) close in time; about to occur 同义词:close at hand(p)imminentimpendentimpending 学习怎么用双语


标签: qualification翻译



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