

trannsfer造句 2023-02-12 17:52 365 墨鱼


造句:You graced us with your presence, Your Grace.Grace的英文解释:a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed, and attractive waythe quality of being pleasantly polite, grace英[greɪs]美[ɡres] grace的解释第三人称单数:graces现在分词:gracing过去分词:graced过去式:graced grace 基本解释grace的反义词名词优雅;恩泽;慈悲;魅力动词

单词Grace 例句大全,用单词Grace造句:GraceLodge Home for the Aged 慈恩林安老院I respect people that agegracefully. 我尊敬优雅地老去的人们。Graceis me at her agegrace英语造句,1、Grace was beginning to get his drift.格雷斯开始抓住他的主旨了。2、The grace period for the interest free loan wa

1、three days ofgrace 2、She moved withgrace. 3、Accept criticism withgrace. 4、Let's saygrace. 5、Grace thou thy house,and let not thatgracethee. 6It's difficult to find la grace in a sentence. 用la grace造句挺难的The original ship of Augustine Herman ( Augustin HeYman in Czech ) bore this name ( which rough

boat 造句/ 例句1. Ourboatfoundered on a reef. 我们的船触礁沉没。《牛津词典》2. Theboatheaved beneath them. 小船在他们脚下颠簸着。《牛津词典》3. Theboatchugg19、In September 1941 Norma Jeane was again living with Grace.1941年9月诺玛·琼再一次和格莱斯同住。20、Once again the young Norma Jeane was transfered to a new h

Gracelapsed into unwonted sedateness . 格雷絲變得異常嚴肅起來。It's difficult to seegracein a sentence. 用grace造句挺難的Come andgraceour banquet 2 grace firecracker n.爆竹;鞭炮grace n.优美(雅);斯文;恩典(德);体面graceful adj.优美(雅)的;文雅的3 cultured culture techniques 培养技术cultured 斯文;儒雅


标签: grace是什么意思翻译



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