
while造句简单带翻译,depend on造句简单带翻译

while的第四种用法 2023-10-15 14:28 837 墨鱼

while造句简单带翻译,depend on造句简单带翻译

ˇ﹏ˇ 英文例句大全为您提供while英文例句大全,词语while造句,关于while的句子,while怎么造句,while英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于while,while的句子,while如何造句,描写的went to see them once in a while. 他偶尔去探望他们。while的用法例句:1. Mommy, you don't need to stay while we talk. 妈妈,我们谈话时你不必陪着. 2. It took her

while英语造句,1、A little while later she was sound asleep过了一会儿她又睡着了。2、This means that an activated-charcoal filterWhile the girl was playing with her friends,the UFO took off.当小女孩正在和她的朋友们一起玩,这个UFO起飞。≧▽≦)/~PS:你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_

用while造句1 1. 一会儿,一段时间[S]Ill be back in a while.我一会儿就回来.conj.1. 当的时候,和同时She listened closely while he read the letter.他1、Be carefulwhiletraveling. 2、Be carefulwhileironing. 3、while(Boolean-expression) statement 4、Why clinkwhiledrinking? 5、Playwhileyou play. 6、P

1.Burglars had broken inwhilewe were away on holiday. 我们假日外出时,窃贼曾进入屋内。2.We were bitten to death by flieswhilecamping. 露营时我们让飞虫咬得死去活来while youre/Im etc. at it 趁做某事的时候;顺便;顺带used to suggest that sb could do sth while they are doing sth else n. v. 下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows Phone An

英语造句大全带翻译系统标签:造句大全翻译love英语爱情wecanonlyencountereachotherratherthanstayeachother,thenwishwehadneverencountered.wouldlikeweepi1、Go and lie down for a while. 去躺一会儿吧。2、Stand still while I take your photo. 我给你照相,站着别动。3、Can you get dinner while I put the kid


标签: depend on造句简单带翻译



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