
go off造句简单,heavily在很大程度上简单造句

用get off造句简单 2023-05-20 18:23 596 墨鱼
用get off造句简单

go off造句简单,heavily在很大程度上简单造句

导读1.go off the plum tree.(离开李子树。3.He was priming the bomb to go off in an hours time.(他在事先准备炸弹在一小时后爆炸。造句指懂得并使用字词9、This track is notoriously hard on tyres, so when theygo offhere, they'llgo offbig time. 10、The street lights go on when it gets dark andgo offa

?▂? go off 英[ɡəu ɔf]美[ɡo ɔf]进行;爆炸;突然大作;停止运转1.The street You had better put the cake in the refrigerator,in case it goes off.你最好把蛋糕放入冰箱,以免坏掉。The milk has gone off slightly.It must be the wea

go off造句1、The firecracker didn't go off. 2、The alarm had failed to go off. 3、What time do you go off duty? 4、Promise now. Rose, you never go off that, promI think our party went off very well!我觉得我们的聚会开得很好!九、go off (on sb) 意为“突然生(某人)的气”,例如:The boss just came into my office and went off on me

九、go off (on sb) 意为”突然生(某人)的气“例如:The boss just came into my office and went off on me for no apparent reason. 老板走进我的办公室,无缘无故地对我大发雷霆。表示“在…外面”。表示“在某一位置或处所之外”;go off往往强调由于外向的动作而产生的结果或者在某一区域或范围之外。例句:The bomb was timed to go of


标签: heavily在很大程度上简单造句



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