
go abroad造句,what about造句简单

用abroad造句 2023-10-18 13:06 860 墨鱼

go abroad造句,what about造句简单

要多少啊?She will go abroad(for further study).她将(出国深造).解析要多少啊?She will go abroad(for further study).她将(出国深造). 分析总结。免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答更多答案结果一题目用go abroad造句出国造句答案要

33、He did not have the ability to change the status quo, and eventually only "go abroad" this way to go, and returned to the United States. 34、If一、go abroad 出国;到外国We should go abroad onholidaythis year. 今年我们应该出国度假。This sales figures make us afford to go abroad this summer

The crunch is that we can't afford to go abroad this year. 症结在于我们今年担负不起出国的费用。I would love to go abroad this year, perhaps to the South of Francgo abroad 去国外,出国例句:We can't afford to go abroad this summer. 今年夏天我们没有足够的钱去国外。The crunch is that we can't afford to go abroad this year

˙0˙ 下面我们来看看如何用goabroad造句。1. I have always dreamed of goabroad to study in a foreign university.(我一直梦想着去国外留学,去外国的大学学习。2. She decide英语中,go aboard 和go abroad是两个长得很像的词组,不注意很容易弄混淆,今天我们一起来学习一下它们的用法区别。1. go aboard:这个词组的意思是“上飞机;上船;上火车”。


标签: what about造句简单



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