

go for a walk造句 2023-10-14 19:56 884 墨鱼
go for a walk造句


≥▂≤ 单词forgot 例句大全,用单词forgot造句:Forgotabout him. 我忘了他I almostforgotit. 差一点忘了。Oh, I almostforgot. 哦,我差一点儿忘了。Hey, I almostforgot! 嘿,差I forgot borrowing a book from you.我忘记曾经向你借过书这件事。I just forgot fetching the file.我忘了已经拿了那份文件了。I"ll never forget finding

╯﹏╰ 8、Youforgetto remember, I forgot toforget. 9、He that willforgetGod, will alsoforgethis benefactors. 10、Can youforget? Looking forward to you canfforgot造句复制1、Iforgotmy password.(我忘了我的密码。2、Iforgotto ask him for his address.(我忘记向他要地址。3、Uh-oh. Iforgotto write that letter.(哦唷,我

1. I can't believe I forgot to buy milk when I went grocery shopping yesterday. 2. I forgot my keys at home and had to wait outside for my roommate for half an ho1 . For a few brief minutes weforgotthe anxiety and anguish. 短短几分钟我们就忘记了焦虑与苦恼。来自柯林斯例句2 . "Oh, sorry. Iforgot." —Everyone forgets," th

动词forg.. forgot的用法和样例:例句用作动词(v.) I forgot about the food cooking on the stove. 我忘记炉子上做的饭了。Pen forgot his humiliation in his surpriseBeing sensitive to criticism and the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.这头公牛对批评很敏感,它忘了斗牛士,冲向了酒鬼。Now, dressed in a blue un

forgot英语造句,1、I forgot my umbrella.我忘带伞了.2、I forgot about the oven and the roast has frizzled up.我忘了看炉火,结果把烤肉全烤干I clean forgot about it. 我完全忘记了这件事。In his haste, he forgot to bring his glasses with him. 匆忙之中,他忘了带眼镜。I lent him some money last week but h


标签: forgotten造句



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