10-14 642
relatives造句 |
(-__-)b It's difficult to seecomparativein a sentence. 用comparative造句挺难的Communication linguistique: Étudecomparativefaite sur le terrain. ComparativePerspectives 复数:comparatives 比较级:more comparative 最高级:most comparative 类别CET4,CET6,考研,IELTS,TOEFL,SAT,商务英语常用词典adj. 比较的;相当的n. 比较级;对手例句I t
11、comparativeprivate international law school 12、In modern Chinese,comparativesentences are sentences whose predicates containcomparativewords orThe journal is also dedicated to facilitating communication among those who may be working on related subjects in other fields, from Comparative Literature to Informati
comparative造句复制1、Play allows a young animal to explore its environment and practice skill incomparativesafety since the surrounding adults generally do not..parative 双语例句1. Secondly, in the modern portfolio theory of Markowitz and William Sharpe - Capital Asset Pricing Model the theoretical basis, the system e
02 对比型论文(Comparative paper)要求比较两个相近的观点,论证不同之处。03 说明型论文(Explanatory paper)对某个观点或事实等进行详细地说明和解释。04 研..parative造句1、In most states contributory negligence has been superceded by comparative negligence.在大多数州,混合过失已经被比较过失取代。2、At comparative c
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标签: complicative
10-14 642
如果利玛窦(1583年来华)带来资料说属实,《坤舆万国全图》上的标注应该是包括图中的范围,“中级”的奥斯曼,可是《坤舆万国全图》中相应的位置是众多的国家,并没有奥斯曼的影子, 1774...
10-14 642
1、赞美:赞美的本质是告诉对方:我看见你了,我看见你的好了,我看见你跟别人不一样了。多用行动,而不是用语言来表达赞美。 2、打追光: (1)发现差异:赞美要观察差异,发现对方和别人不...
10-14 642
看到相柳杀死情人蛊、消除镜子里的记忆、送给小夭大肚娃娃,默默付出,最终战死沙场,眼泪真的忍不住啊! 读小说之前,看到很多笔记,大家观点各不相同。 以我个人的理解,长相思既是相柳思...
10-14 642
10-14 642