
make decision造句,announce造句

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make decision造句,announce造句

类型英语造句1、I can'tmake a decision at this time.(我无法现在做决定。2、But it's surprising how quickly womenmake a decision.(但是让人惊奇的是女人们这么快就能We'llmake a decisionafter calculating. 我们要核计之后才能决定。英文例句大全为您提供make a decision英文例句大全,make a decision英文造句,关于make a decision的英语

˙0˙ make a decision英语造句,1、It's not right to make a decision without investigation and study.没有调查研究就作出决定是不妥的。2、They have to mto make a decision to do what was best for me and my family – and although it has been hard I have not regretted it.我必须做我认为对我自己,对我的家庭

I made a decision to join the club.He has made a decision to finish the work.They will make a decision to hold a meeting.make a decision造句1、It's not right to make a decision without investigation and study. 没有调查研究就作出决定是不妥的。2、They have to make a decision now. 他

⊙﹏⊙ I made a decision to join the club.He has made a decision to finish the work.They 结果一题目英语造句用make a decision to do sth造三个句子答案I made a decisio5、We await your decision.; We are expecting you to make a decision. 6、A person may hesitate to make a decision. The problem is not whether you hes

ˇωˇ I made a decision to join the club. He has made a decision to finish the work. They will make a decimake one's own decision造句make one's own decision造句如下:I will let you to make your own decisions. 我会让你去做你自己的决定。©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供


标签: announce造句



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