
用call for造句,用used to do造句

用according to造句 2023-08-14 16:17 455 墨鱼
用according to造句

用call for造句,用used to do造句

He called for a glass of beer. 他叫了一杯啤酒。来或去取某物,来或去接某人。如:We called for the packages at the post office. 我们到邮局领取包裹。I’ll call for you at一、call for作动词,表示“需要”的意思例句:1. The task called for a lot of courage and determination. 这项任务需要很多勇气和决心。2. The situation calls for imm

call for英语造句,1、Speaking of which, dad says he knows someone you can call for an interview.说起这个,老爸说他认识个人,你要是想面试可以打6、Sorry to bother you , but there's acall foryou on line two.(很抱歉打扰你一下,二号线有你的电话。7、They have issued a globalcall forrobotic assistance and are

Goldfish, jiaxing people firstcall forgold and silver carp is wild carp varieties. 金鱼,嘉兴人最初叫为金鲫鱼,本是野生鲫鱼的变种。英文例句大全为您提供call for英文4.Must I pay for the hotel with my credit card? 我必须用信用卡付款吗?希望对你有帮助注意采纳最佳答案哦2.用“for”造句,15句,内容不限,要不同的1 They fought for nationa

There is a wide range of temperature during the Spring Festival. For his work,he will call at Tokyo forcallat的造句和例句:1. 1999 Sechara ( 3 stars ) _ a simple, slightly rustic blend of grenache, tempranillo and forcallat.内有更多更详细关于forcallat的造句

55.If only attack produces fear, and if you see attack asthecallforhelp that it is, the unreality of 既然只有攻击带来恐惧,而你又能看出攻击其实是一种求助的信号,那必要,理由;要求;例句]I always wanted to call the dog Mufty for some reason 不知怎么的,我老想把这条狗唤作穆夫提。其他] 第三人称单数:calls 现在分词


标签: 用used to do造句



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