

四人情景剧剧本对话英语 2023-06-05 13:01 499 墨鱼


英语小剧本-小兔子乖乖《The little rabbits》doc 英语小剧本《狐假虎威》doc 英语小剧本小鸭子《Little Duck》doc 英语短剧剧本_守株待兔《Wait for windfalls》doc 英语童话英语四人短剧本【1】Narration: Carrie, Cici and Wing are co-worker of a company. This day they are talking in the office. Ca: Bingo! I finally fini

⊙▽⊙ 剧本-英语短剧灰姑娘的百万英镑Betty-灰姑娘Sally-富翁姐Tom-富翁弟Penny-衣店老板Jimmy-衣店小二Jason-白马王子Jessica-后妈Susan-后姐William-后哥Bobby-四人英语话剧剧本(一) ---音乐起,旁白:A long time ago, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born,

●ω● 英语短剧剧本篇1 角色:小兔、小狗、小猴、山羊characters: hare、dog、monkey、goat 画外音:小兔子肚子饿了,她想找些东西吃。找呀,找了半天。忽然发现小路边4人的英语短剧本如下:N: Many years ago, on April 1, a body had birth. His father called him "foolman",nobody

∪△∪ 四人英语短剧《叶花K 西》人物介绍:西门吹雪(X),叶孤城(Y),K ing(K). 花满楼(H) 道具:牛奶两袋,匕首一把,戒子一枚,纸屑若干。第一幕:决战紫荆城之颠旁白:A quiet villag英语四人短剧本【1】Narration: Carrie, Cici and Wing are co-worker of a company. This day they are talking in the office. Ca: Bingo! I finally finish this case. It is

四人英语话剧剧本(一) ---音乐起,旁白:A long time ago, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, likecarrot best. wolf: likerabbit best. rabbit:I go bike.wolf:I go canswim. school.butterfly: ambeautiful. havetwo big ears longnose. amafraid chara


标签: 四人英语情景对话幽默



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