注意:拼车、顺风车一天不能超过2次发布时间:2023-03-062016年交通运输委等八部门联合制定的《网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法》正式颁布实施。 日前,交通...
10-18 980
take it for granted造句 |
take into consideration造句,in consideration of翻译
翻译如下:take…into consideration 造句:But you should take into consideration that there are different types ofcoils.但是,你应该考虑到有不同类型的线I have a stake in the projects, and they have to take into consideration my requirements and needs and balance them against the other stakeholders. 我在项目中拥
7.These are factors we musttakeintoconsideration. 这些都是我们应当考虑的因素。- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(10)差评() 8.What factors does hetakeintoconsideratiotake into consideration造句1.We must take into consideration both cost and time when planning the project. 2.When making a decision, we should take into consider
1、Do youtake into accountRottweiler folklore? 2、totake into accountor consideration; to keep in mind 3、There are factors we have totake into acco15. You'll also want to take the natural elements around you into consideration. 您也想借此自然因素左右你考虑。16. 16. If you take qual IT y into consideration,
take the suggestion into consideration中文是什么意思发音:中文翻译造句表示"考虑这个建议takevt. (took; taken ) 1.(用手)拿,取suggestionn. 1.暗示;指点,启发;take into consideration造句1、I don't know if theytakeintoconsiderationa mortgage and a car payment," Huipe said. “我不知道他们是否考虑到抵押贷款和汽车的费用。
take into consideration造句复制1、When sizing, make sure youtake into considerationthe extra cost of large databases and frequency of full-text searches.(在调整【英文】Ido hope that you can take my suggestion intoconsideration and make a final wise decision. 【中文】我由衷希望你能考虑我的建议,并且作出最后的明智决定。2.祝贺信
后台-插件-广告管理-内容页尾部广告(手机) |
注意:拼车、顺风车一天不能超过2次发布时间:2023-03-062016年交通运输委等八部门联合制定的《网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法》正式颁布实施。 日前,交通...
10-18 980
10-18 980
经小米公司授权服务商检测,确认属于非人为商品质量问题。 自用户购买之日起 换货 15天 故障换货 国家法律所规定的功能性故障或商品质量问题。经小米公司授权服务商检测,确认...
10-18 980
1.泛起涟漪的意思是:针对某种场合或者情境下,人的心理受到环境的影响而产生细微的变化和活动。2.一般常用来形容美好的、积极向上的事物。3. 涟漪,形容被风吹起...
10-18 980
OPPO系的《跨屏互联》适用于OPPO、真我和一加三个品牌的手机,支持OPPO品牌Reno7系列及后续机型、Find X2系列以后及后续机型、真我GT大师探索版及后续机型、真我Q3s及后续机型、一加...
10-18 980