冒险等级35,世界等级四 角色最高突破到多少级 来自原神吧 unite222 牙签搅大肝😘10-19 26 之前看到一种说法,建议冒险等级35级时不突破,练度高了再突破 之前看到一种说法,建...
10-25 648
wisely的反义词 |
wisely 的用法和例句,acknowledge用法
return的用法例句1. I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame. 我会回去,找到你,爱你,娶你,活的光明正大。《赎罪》2. Ellery's return will help twisely 英式发音['waizli]美式发音['waɪzli]wisely相关例句和用法Sian had very wisely left the party before all the trouble started..沙恩很明智地在一
單字wisely的中文意思與發音wiselyadv.聰明地,精明地單字wisely的中英文例句與用法她由於投資精明而積蓄了一筆財產。By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune. 女王wise用法例句1、They might be wise to stop advertising on television. 他们不妨停止在电视上做广告,这样做可能是明智之举。2、It is wise to seek help a
But not all the money, to put it mildly, has been used wisely. 但是说得委婉一些,并不是所有的钱都花得很明智。来自柯林斯例句30. The pilot wisely decided to returnwisely是一个副词,常用来表示明智或明智地行动。下面是一些例句和用法:She wisely decided to save her money instead of spending it all at once.(她明智地决定把钱存起来
参考例句Objects made of or work done in wood,especially wooden interior fittings in a house,as moldings,doors,staircases,or windowsills. 木制器用木头制成的物品或9. If you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheerfully. 指挥有方则人人乐从. 10. All his imperious orders were obeyed. 他所有那些专横的命令都被服从了. 11. She obeye
˙0˙ 用法例句:He wisely contented himself with his family and his love of nature 他非常明智,拥有家庭和对自然的热爱便知足了。But not all the money, to put it mildly, has bewiselykindergarten伟思幼稚园wisely 用法和例句Sensing the explorer´s lust for gold, the chiefwiselypresented gold ornaments as gifts.酋长觉察出探险者们垂涎黄金的欲念,就聪明地
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标签: acknowledge用法
冒险等级35,世界等级四 角色最高突破到多少级 来自原神吧 unite222 牙签搅大肝😘10-19 26 之前看到一种说法,建议冒险等级35级时不突破,练度高了再突破 之前看到一种说法,建...
10-25 648
Java中的循环依赖分两种,一种是构造器的循环依赖,另一种是属性的循环依赖。 构造器的循环依赖就是在构造器中有属性循环依赖,如下所示的两个类就属于构造器循环...
10-25 648
张家口美丽的坝上草原---沽源 沽源位于河北省张家口市坝上地区,北靠内蒙,东依承德,南临北京,西接大同,是内蒙古高原向华北平原过渡的地带。历史上沽源曾是北魏...
10-25 648
10-25 648
世界最强反舰导弹排名!老美独占榜首,鹰击18上榜! 发布于 2022-06-27 10:39 · 258 次播放 赞同添加评论 分享收藏喜欢 举报 航空母舰军事武器导弹 写下你的评论... 暂...
10-25 648