

me造句简单 2023-10-15 10:49 117 墨鱼


●^● 1、That is love andthat islife. 2、That is deep,that isnew. 3、That is not giving:that isshowing off. 4、Lawthat isdeficient is better lawthat isunc两个句子版本:The father is sitting in an armchair and he is asking his son to study hard.(主语相同) 非谓语动词做状语,你可以选择任何一个动词作主要动作:Asking his son to

8. The surprise gift is a thankyou for our help. 这份意外的礼物是为了感谢我们给予的帮助。9. Majors reply came as a complete surprise to the House 14、Strictnessislove, loosenessisharm, ignoranceisbad. 15、Cheapisdear, and dearischeap"isBusinessmen's jargon. 16、Is love,isthe fate,isalso the

●△● 今晚电影院上映什么片子?3.在发生的,在进行的The strike is still on. 现在仍在罢工。4.菜单上有的,供应的I'd like to have some salmon if it is on. 如果is造句复制1、Experienceiswhat matters—ageisof secondary importance.(重要的是经验—年龄是次要的。2、I'm not suggesting thatiswhatishappening.(我并不是说那就是

20.也许你会说听起来这也太简单了吧,我告诉你实际上就是那么简单。21.一个简单的计算器,用的是vb制作,能完成简单的四则运算。22.梭罗说过,“简单,再简单,”我很想遵从他It is a pity that such a thing ( should ) happen in your class.这种事竟然发生在你们班上,真是遗憾!It is a shame that we cannot all do what we want to do in life. 人生

How is it going.结果一题目用is造句答案I think swimming is interesting 我觉得游泳是有趣的.I think sharing things with others is make people feel good 我想与别用is造句子简单1. The sky is blue. 2. My favorite color is green. 3. She is a doctor. 4. The dog is sleeping. 5. The book is on the table. 6. He is singing a song


标签: is造句简单



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