下面列举一些有限数域的例子: 1.一个两位有限数域:它可以表示为2的幂次,例如2^2,2^4,2^8等等。在这个数域中,每个数都可以表示为两个整数的差,例如2^2可以表示为1和1的差。 2...
10-15 696
用am造句三年级 |
用is造句三年级,用is this造句
用is造句子简单1. The sky is blue. 2. My favorite color is green. 3. She is a doctor. 4. The dog is sleeping. 5. The book is on the table. 6. He is singing a song14、Strictnessislove, loosenessisharm, ignoranceisbad. 15、Cheapisdear, and dearischeap"isBusinessmen's jargon. 16、Is love,isthe fate,isalso the
students' cultural confidence is stimulated through the mining of Chinese Loanwords in English and English Loanwords in Chinese. Secondly, logical thinking ability is eis造句复制1、Experienceiswhat matters—ageisof secondary importance.(重要的是经验—年龄是次要的。2、I'm not suggesting thatiswhatishappening.(我并不是说那就是
How is it going.结果一题目用is造句答案I think swimming is interesting 我觉得游泳是有趣的.I think sharing things with others is make people feel good 我想与别②Once the environment is polluted,it needs a long time to recover. Once it is polluted,the environment needs a long time to recover. Once polluted,the environment need
This is a book. He is a doctor. How is it going.1.This is what we support.这是我们所拥护的。2.I agree that she is the ablest of us.我承认她是我们之中最能干的一个。3.This is all I have.这就是我的全部家
(ˉ▽ˉ;) If you have an interest in taking part in, please notify us before next Sunday. It is the ge20、It is my earnest wish that you use this money to further your research.我真诚希望你用这笔钱继续你的研究工作。21、This is a summary of the exclusions containe
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标签: 用is this造句
下面列举一些有限数域的例子: 1.一个两位有限数域:它可以表示为2的幂次,例如2^2,2^4,2^8等等。在这个数域中,每个数都可以表示为两个整数的差,例如2^2可以表示为1和1的差。 2...
10-15 696
2023年乒乓球赛事时间表如下: 1、2023年1月7日-1月13日德班世乒赛亚洲区选拔赛,赛事级别是世锦赛选拔赛。 2、1月10日-1月15日WTT常规挑战赛德班站,赛事级别是WTT挑战赛系列。 3、1月...
10-15 696
①,从APP上找人工客服,和机器人聊了五六分钟,都不给我转人工,聊了半天了才发来一个链接,可以联系上人工 ②,进入人工了要排队,排队就算了,你还不能退出,隔一会...
10-15 696
关于无线模式11a/n/ac mixed,无线模式选哪个最快这个很多人还不知道,今天菲菲来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、穿墙2.4好,性能5g好,干扰少,...
10-15 696
B:Yes. you could get one at BeiJing Railway Station. 8. 他在火车临开前一分钟才赶到车站,时间压得太紧了。 He reached the railway station just one minute before the ...
10-15 696