
his eating habits are healthy,eating healthy

a eating habits 2023-07-25 14:48 630 墨鱼
a eating habits

his eating habits are healthy,eating healthy

They don't eat enough healthy food like vegetables and fruit. It's very bad for their health. Poor eating habits are a big problem. Health experts(专家)say that c14. She loves eating very much. But her eating habits are not healthy. 她很喜欢吃。但她的饮食习惯不健康。15.She eats a lot and drinks too much cola every day.她

沪教版小学牛津英语六年级下册《Module 4 Unit 3 Healthy eating》教学设计[教学内容] 本节课是上海教育出版社《牛津英语》6B第四模块第三单元中的Read a story版块:(1)Mr.Ming的故事。Mr.Ling高中英语作文Healthy Eating Habits健康的饮食习惯篇1 Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. 健康的饮食习惯对我们的健康很重要。We should build he

⊙^⊙ He has got lots of bad eating habits. He likes eating different kinds of fast food. Chips and hamburgers are his favourite food. He almost eats them every day. AnSome teenagers have bad eating habits and others do not know how to clean their teeth. Here are some good ways for you to protect your teeth. ·Clean your teeth f

健康的饮食习惯Healthy Eating Habits Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetableLesson 1 A Healthy Diet Lesson1 AHealthyDiet Objectives•Presentingandpractisingwordsdescribingfood•Expressingquantitywithalotof,alittleandafew•Reviewingandpracticingquestionformsi


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