

小学阶段关于where的句型 2023-10-18 12:17 881 墨鱼


Where bees are, there is honey. 〔状语从句〕哪儿有蜜蜂哪儿就有蜜。I’m going to do what I like and go where I like. 〔状语从句〕我要做我想做的事,去我想去的地方。where用法例句1、No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprise

1、Where is the cinema? 电影院在哪?--It’s next to the hospital. 它在医院旁边。2、Where are the elephants? 大象在哪里?-They’re in the forest. 它们在森林里。3、Wherewhere 造句子,简单1. Where is the nearest grocery store? 2. Where did you put your keys? 3. I wonder where the cat went. 4. Can you tell me where the library is?

where造句五句【一】1 . 他的墓前有一块精致的石碑。2 . 这道数学题很简单,小明竟然做错了,可能没认真完成作业,告诉我们要认真完成作业。黄宇威) 3 . 小王工作出色,让大家很满意。英文例句大全为您提供where英文例句大全,词语where造句,关于where的句子,where怎么造句,where英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于where,where的句子,where如何造句,描写的wher

where造句1、Where, where, where are the squares? 2、Ah, where are you, where are you? 3、Where good, where there is the motherland. 4、Abby, where where造句复制1、wheredid you spend the night ?(你是在哪里过夜的? 2、wherewas the movie shot?(那部电影是在哪儿拍的? 3、wheredo you live?(你住在什么地方? 4、Te


标签: which的用法及例句



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